7 Steps to Start an Online Business From Scratch (2024 Guide)

Key Takeaways 

  1. Take a risk and keep testing, because what works today won’t work tomorrow, but what worked yesterday may work again.
  2. Good content isn’t about good storytelling. It’s about telling a true story well.
  3. Connect, create meaning, make a difference, matter, be missed.
  4. Content is king, but marketing is queen, and runs the household.
  5. You have to start with the basic premise that you need to know what your competition is doing.


In today’s world, online businesses are growing rapidly compared to traditional offline businesses. I know starting an online business isn’t easy, especially with so much competition. But I’ve noticed that many people fail because they don’t know what to do or how to do it. But don’t worry! In this article, we’ll explore 7 simple steps to help you start an online business from scratch. 

It’s a low-cost method that most people can afford. You can even get help from friends or family who know a bit about building websites. And I’ll recommend a great business book to help you avoid common mistakes and build a successful business.

Beginner’s Guide to Start an Online Business From Scratch

how to start a successful online business from scratch

Credit: freepik

Here are some steps you can take to start an online business from scratch:

1. Assess your business idea

To assess your business idea, think about whether it solves a problem or fulfills a need for your target audience. Research the market to see if there’s demand for your product or service. Consider factors like competition, potential profitability, and your own passion and expertise in the field. Talk to potential customers to gather feedback and validate your idea. By evaluating these aspects, you can determine the viability of your business idea.


Let’s say your business idea is to create a smartphone app that helps people track their daily water intake. You can assess its viability by researching if there’s a need for such an app among smartphone users. Look at similar apps in the market, see how they’re doing, and identify any gaps or opportunities for improvement. 

You can also talk to friends, family, or even strangers to get their opinions on whether they would use such an app and what features they’d like to see. This research will help you decide if your idea has the potential to be successful before investing time and resources into developing it further.

2. Develop a business plan

To develop a business plan, start by outlining your business concept, target market, and objectives. Then, conduct market research to understand your industry, competitors, and potential customers. Next, detail your products or services, pricing strategy, and marketing plan. Include information about your team, operations, and financial projections. 

Finally, summarize everything into a cohesive document that outlines your business goals, strategies, and how you plan to achieve them. This comprehensive plan will not only help you secure funding and attract talent but also serve as a roadmap to keep you focused on your business objectives.


Let’s say you want to start a small bakery. To develop your business plan, you’d start by outlining what types of baked goods you’ll offer and who your target customers are (e.g., families, office workers). Then, you’d research other bakeries in your area to see what they’re doing and how you can stand out. You’d also decide on your pricing, marketing strategy (like using social media or local advertising), and estimate your costs and potential profits. 

Finally, you’d put it all together into a document that explains your bakery’s concept, how you’ll run it day-to-day, and your financial projections. This plan will help you stay focused on your goals and may even help you secure a loan or attract investors.

Also Read: 9 Key Steps to Launching Your Business from Scratch

3. Choose a business name

To choose a business name with global trends like gamification in mind, start by brainstorming words or phrases related to gaming, competition, or interactive experiences. Then, consider how these elements align with your business concept and target audience. Research existing businesses to ensure your chosen name is unique and not already trademarked. 

Test the name with friends, family, or potential customers to see how it resonates with them and if it accurately conveys the essence of your business. Once you’ve found the perfect name, make sure to secure the domain name for your website and any relevant social media handles.

4. Decide on your business structure

To decide on your business structure, start by considering the legal and tax implications of each option, such as sole proprietorship, partnership, corporation, or limited liability company (LLC). Assess factors like personal liability, management flexibility, and potential growth. 

Research the requirements and regulations for each structure in your jurisdiction, and consider seeking advice from a legal or financial professional. Once you’ve weighed the pros and cons, choose the structure that best aligns with your business goals and vision for the future.

5. Build your website

To build your website and choose your sourcing and fulfillment methods, start by selecting a reliable website building platform, such as WordPress, Shopify, or Wix, based on your business needs and technical expertise. Then, design your website with user-friendly navigation and appealing visuals to attract and engage customers. 

For sourcing products, consider options like dropshipping, manufacturing, or wholesaling, depending on your budget and resources. Additionally, decide on fulfillment methods, such as in-house shipping, third-party logistics, or digital delivery, ensuring efficient and timely delivery to customers. Integrate these elements seamlessly into your website to provide a smooth and enjoyable shopping experience for your audience.

6. Develop and implement your prelaunch marketing strategies

To develop and implement your prelaunch marketing strategies, start by defining your target audience and understanding their needs and preferences. Then, craft compelling messaging and visuals that resonate with your audience and highlight the unique value proposition of your business. Utilize various marketing channels such as social media, email marketing, influencer partnerships, and content marketing to reach potential customers and build anticipation for your launch. 

Engage with your audience through interactive content, contests, or sneak peeks to generate excitement and gather feedback. Monitor the performance of your marketing efforts and adjust your strategies accordingly to optimize results and ensure a successful prelaunch phase.

7. Launch your new business

To launch your new business, begin by testing multiple payment options to ensure smooth transactions for your customers. This involves setting up secure payment gateways compatible with credit cards, digital wallets, and other preferred methods. Once you’ve confirmed payment functionality, start promoting your business through various channels such as social media, email newsletters, and targeted advertising campaigns. 

Use engaging content, special offers, and incentives to attract and retain customers. Monitor sales and customer feedback closely during the launch phase, and be ready to address any issues swiftly to ensure a positive customer experience and foster long-term success for your business.

Also Read: The $100 Startup: How to Start a Profitable Business From Home

Recommended book

how to start a successful online business from scratch

Zero to One: Notes on Startups, or How to Build the Future

“Zero to One: Notes on Startups, or How to Build the Future” is a book that offers insights and advice on creating successful startups. Written by Peter Thiel, co-founder of PayPal, it emphasizes the importance of innovation and creating something entirely new (“zero to one”) instead of just copying existing ideas (“one to n”). 

Thiel discusses the importance of monopolies in business, challenging conventional wisdom, and creating value for customers. He shares valuable lessons and strategies for entrepreneurs looking to build groundbreaking companies that shape the future.

Amazon ratings: 4.5 out of 5 stars 36,020 ratings 4.2 on Goodreads 354,472 ratings

Additional reference: How to start an online business in 8 steps


Starting an online business isn’t easy, but it’s doable if you follow seven main steps. First, think about your business idea. Then, make a plan for what you want to do and how to do it. After that, pick a good name for your business and decide how it’ll be set up. Next, create a website for your business. 

Before launching, tell people about your business to get them interested. Finally, launch your business and work hard to make it successful. With determination and smart thinking, your online business can thrive and make your dreams come true.


Q:1 What is the easiest online business to start?

Starting an online business can be easy, especially if you sell digital stuff or offer services online, which don’t cost much to begin.

Q:2 What kind of online business is most profitable?

The most money-making online businesses are often selling things online, making commissions through referrals, or teaching courses over the internet.

Q:3 How do I start an online business from scratch?

If you want to start an online business, first think about your idea, make a plan, then make a website, and tell people about what you’re selling or offering.

Q:4 How much money should you have to start an online business?

You don’t need loads of cash to start an online business, but how much you’ll need depends on what kind of business you want and how much it costs to get started.

Q:5 How much does an average online business owner make?

People who run online businesses can make a bunch of money, but it varies a lot. Some make a little bit, while others make a whole bunch, depending on what they’re doing and how hard they work.

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